Asking for the Manager
There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing Karens realize they’re already speaking to the manager. After all, it’s a demand that’s often associated with people presenting entitled behavior.

In this situation, someone came in to argue with the first person they saw. What they didn’t know was that they were actually fighting with the store’s owner. They even acquiesced to fetching the manager, only to let them break the news after this Karen demanded the owner was fired.
Using Reviews to Their Advantage
If there’s one thing that Karens are more than happy to do online, it’s to leave a review. Sometimes, they’re just unnecessary or they dock a business for something out of their control.

Some businesses know how to make these reviews work in their favor. In fact, this coffee shop decided they’d tell everyone. The best way to do this was to use their sign outside to invite people in for the “worst coffee one woman on TripAdvisor had in her life.”
No One’s Changing the Rules
Karens often assume the rules don’t apply to them. This can put them in a lot of unnecessary head-to-head battles with unsuspecting business owners and their employees.

This is another Karen that took to the internet with their claims. In their review, they bashed the store for not letting them in with their dog. Not taking this lying down, the owner publicly informed them that it was posted on the website and both entrances. It had been for a while at this point!
Asking for It for Free
This conversation started off normally enough – it seemed like an easy way to nab a microwave. However, the would-be buyer kept inserting her kids into the conversation without much reason.

The Karen plan came to light when the seller asked when they could pick up the microwave. That’s when she insisted they needed to bring it to her since she had kids. Once they refused, they reverted to demanding a discount or additional item to “make it worth their time.”
Inappropriate Outbursts
When someone has a guide dog, there are a few rules of etiquette. Many of them boil down to a major point: you should never interfere with a guide dog doing their job.

All this woman wanted to do was ride the bus when someone, not affiliated with the bus company, demanded that she take her dog off the bus. She even tried to politely explain the dog’s presence. Yet, as well-informed as an average outburst from Karens are, the woman claimed that it wasn’t because it wasn’t yellow.
Those Poor Employees
Sometimes, taking down a single Karen isn’t enough for the internet. Other times, it’s worth taking a look at what Karens do regularly that causes problems.

This person summed it up pretty well with this meme. When it comes down to it, a true interaction with a Karen isn’t usually the employee’s fault. Instead, many Karens are just looking to take out their frustration on someone else to the extreme. Usually, that doesn’t mean anything good for poor employees caught in their path.
Help Him Out!
Going to the hospital is always a stressful time. Still, screaming at a receptionist that you had to drive yourself to the doctor’s appointment doesn’t exactly help.

There’s also a general rule at doctor’s offices that if someone needs emergency attention, they become the priority. Given that this woman wasn’t in distress, they rushed to treat a man who had gotten poison ivy in his eyes. When she wouldn’t step aside, the receptionist revealed that she’d already skipped an appointment before and to move.
People Have the Same Names, Karen
No matter how unique of a name you come up with for your baby, there’s probably someone else with a similar name. After all, there are a lot of people in the world and it’s bound to happen.

This person seemingly couldn’t handle it when they found out this person’s daughter had the same middle name as theirs. So much so that they even messaged them to claim they were copying them. To make matters even worse, the person who was being questioned doesn’t even know this person!
That Means No
Birthdays are exciting – you’re another year older and usually, there are gifts to open too. Still, there are some things that are over the line, even on your birthday.

As for this person, they thought that the best thing to ask for their birthday was money. That’s fine too but this follow-up post really pushed the envelope into the territory of Karens. If they didn’t give you money the first time, why bother again? We think the fact that they didn’t get paid for nothing is response enough.
They’re Not Coming Back!
When Karens are backed against the wall, they have a go-to phrase to keep them out of trouble. If nothing else, they’ll hold their own patronage as bait for the employees.

The truth is, though, that not many people care if they work with you again if you treat them poorly. This employee captured the feeling that most employees get when they hear this particular phrase. In other words, it isn’t as intimidating or crushing as Karens might think.
Went Right Over Their Head
If there’s one thing that the internet can’t resist, it’s a sarcastic response on a post. This person took to the internet to complain about using the name Karen to describe people.

Specifically, they referred to it as “name shaming” and asserted that not all people named Karen are the same. Unable to resist a chance to call this person out, someone responded that to be fair, never used the name Karen. Still, this person obviously missed the joke and continued to berate them.
Already Ready
While this was shared online, the takedown is more in-person. It’s also an obvious sign that the people working at this store had dealt with plenty of Karens in the past.

So many that they decided it was worth investing in a sign right in front of the main display. We have to imagine their threat would be pretty fair and potentially effective. After all, if nothing else, they could stop some of those Karens with a deal on their order.
No Qualms About Killing the Tree
When it comes to pets, there are some things that pet owners can’t always control. For instance, if they relieve themselves on a tree on a walk, there’s little that can be done.

This business owner decided to claim a nearby tree with a “No Pee” sign. While it might have been a note left in good faith, it was met with some complaints from long-time residents. Either way, the argument of notes on trees seems a little bit much on each side.
Clipping Flowers
Growing your own garden can be rewarding. It’s often a sweet gesture to give other people things you’ve grown in your garden whether that’s some beautiful flowers or fresh vegetables off the vine.

That’s why, at first glance, this post actually seems pretty nice. Yet, the back story to the photo ruins it. This woman actually didn’t grow these lilacs at all. Instead, her gifts to everyone around town were actually stolen flowers that someone else cultivated.
Apples and Vaccines
If there’s one potentially dangerous behavior that people label as Karen behavior, it’s touting claims against vaccines. However, it opens up a lot of room for online takedowns.

This person jumped into a vaccine discussion with a list of all the chemical compounds in the average “vaccine” and asked for everyone’s opinions. When they started getting responses disagreeing with the list, they revealed that it wasn’t a vaccine at all. They just described an apple.
See You in Two Days
When it comes to friends and family, most people want to help each other out. Still, this can change if someone comes to the table acting entitled from the start.

This person might take the cake for acting presumptuously. For one, they declared that they need a list of rather expensive and time-consuming items. Not only that but they had the nerve to add on that they would be reminding this person of their request every two days!
Not Everyone Is on Board
When you encounter Karens either in your workplace or wherever you’re shopping, know that they aren’t always representative of the people they’re with.

This post has a fair point about the children of the people causing these scenes. Many of them don’t want the scene in front of them playing out either. We’re sure that if they could, they would probably do just this and stop the madness in its tracks.
Just a Little Bias
There are some arguments that are just built on faulty ground from the beginning. There’s a reason that highly-regarded scientific discoveries are peer-reviewed and widely tested.

This person might have missed part of that when they claimed that because they were fine, no vaccines were needed. However, as someone was happy to point out, that’s not quite how it works. You can’t claim to be an example for all of humanity!
Complain First, Try It Later
While online reviews can tell you more about a new restaurant that you’re considering trying, there are flaws. You can’t believe everything that you see online.

This review is a great example of that. This person was more than happy to let everyone know how poor the service was. There was just one problem with this ready-and-willing attitude. The review was fired off so early, the location wasn’t even open yet. That would explain the lack of customer service.
Long-Term Exposure
When it comes to dealing with someone who acts like a Karen, you usually want to avoid dealing with them. Employees usually hope that they leave the store as soon as possible.

This person prompted an even worse fate with this post. Dealing with someone acting entitled for long periods of time could definitely lead to a headache. For many, this means seeing relatives they may not completely agree with over the holidays that they don’t normally visit. Hopefully, things stay uneventful.
Flawless Logic
This is another example of a Karen with a vendetta against vaccines. Luckily, once again, the internet was here to point out the double standard in their logic.

They claimed that if vaccines were actually healthy, we could just eat them. However, that’s not how that works at all. As someone was ready to point out that it doesn’t work in reverse either. You couldn’t inject a smoothie like a vaccine and expect to benefit from it either!
Happy Halloween
As we’ve said, there aren’t many businesses that appreciate dealing with Karens either. This Halloween store surely wasn’t going to miss out on the chance to call these customers out.

They chose to do this in the way that Halloween stores do best: with a Halloween costume! They covered all the bases from a name tag, bedazzled accessories, and even a “Can I Speak to Your Manager?” t-shirt. We have to wonder if they angered any Karens who came in with this display.
There’s a Better Way
To be fair, it’s not a nice thing to do to bully someone for their haircut. Still, when it comes to children, there are reasonable and unreasonable ways to go about it.

Talking to a teacher or their parents might be one step to take. On the other hand, taking to the internet to ask what legal action they could take is more questionable. As this person pointed out, it might not prove their point in the way they’re hoping.
Secret Santa
Many people participate in Secret Santa gift exchanges as the holidays draw near. This way, you only have to invest in a gift for one person rather than everyone in a group.

In this case, this person thought their Secret Santa assignment would be easy at first. Then, they asked for money that was well outside of the spending limit. In fact, they wanted more than double the spending limit. At least this person got to take advantage of the situation on Reddit.
You Did It, Karen
If there’s one thing that plenty of people hate dealing with, it’s an HOA. These organizations make sure that a neighborhood stays up to the standards they put forth.

It also gives nosy and annoying neighbors a way to make other people’s lives difficult. In this case, this person wanted everyone to know that this Karen had won. Due to their HOA complaint, they were forced to take a treehouse from their own backyard. They made sure that the complaining party heard their side of the story.
A Recognizable Sign
When watching out for Karens, there are a few characteristics that people watch out for. The “Live, Laugh, Love” decorations are something many describe as a dead giveaway.

Usually, these go on water bottles, home decorations, and other items. This person decided that they would work the popular phrase into fashion. As a result, there were onlookers like this one who worried for the manager when they spotted these shoes in the line.
Just Checking In
When it comes to natural disasters like wildfires, a good rule of thumb is to evacuate the area. This keeps you from getting hurt and gives firefighters plenty of room to work.

After wildfires broke out in Oregon, one concerned citizen posted online to warn people away. Instead of taking this friendly advice, someone decided to be belligerent and insult them. The person responded in the only way they could: in utter disbelieve. What a rude response!
Why, Though?
There are a lot of things that Karens expect. Usually, at the top of that list is people adapting to their specific needs to cater to their wants right away.

When one American woman was in an airport trying to figure some things out, she jumped to a rather aggressive point of view. Even worse, as this person pointed out, it didn’t make any sense. After all, she was in an airport in Shanghai, not back in her hometown.
Whose House?
Looking for a new home is a big task. That’s why this couple decided to take to social media to see if anyone in the area had any recommendations for real estate agents.

That’s when the mother of one of the partners chimed in. While she didn’t have any resources, she did have a tip that no one asked for. She detailed exactly what she’d want in a home. We have to commend this person for shutting her down quickly and not leaving much room for argument.
They Got Themselves
Shopping online means that you sometimes have to rely on reviews rather than seeing a product in person. That’s why verified reviews can be helpful during your search for a product.

This one, though, leaves a lot to be desired. They argue that they couldn’t use the product in question with their Wii. Unfortunately, this was because it was something made for the WiiU that they were trying to use on a Wii. Instead of admitting their mistake, this Karen calls off any loyalty to Nintendo in the future.
Only a Slice Left
This person managed to get an image of a Karen in action. Like many pictures, there’s a surely a long story to go with this snapshot and synopsis.

There’s a lot to take in already too. For one, if the pizza was so bad, why is there only one slice left and why did you wait until the next day? It seems obvious that this pizza was good enough to eat the rest. We also have to notice that this interaction looks exhausting for that cashier.
Rest Assured
As we’ve pointed out, there are certain things about bad reviews that are suspicious. This person claimed to have been kind about the situation but there’s claims to suggest otherwise.

Namely, the company itself answered to remind them that they weren’t actually all that kind. They also took a moment to point out that their hours for breakfast are posted on the door. In the end, though, it didn’t matter because it seems this former customer is permanently banned.
There’s a Point Here
In theory, Yelp is a great resource. It was made to let customers leave reviews for their favorite (or least favorite) restaurants so others could decide before trying it.

The bad news is that this isn’t quite the foolproof resource it was meant to be. It’s rife with Karens, for one. This includes a number of different tactics. Some of these include false reviews or negative reviews for things that are exaggerated or weren’t the fault of the staff or restaurant.
Facing the Consequences
When you decide to go somewhere, that locale might have requirements for entry. This could include things like dress codes or, in this case, a temperature check.

You can refuse those requirements but it might mean that the company doesn’t let you in. That’s what happened to this man when he tried to visit Disney World. Even worse, the man continued on to cause a problem because he wanted in without meeting their requirements.
Bad Parking Job
Once again, it appears at first that this person has a point. Who wouldn’t want to get their stolen bike back from the thief, even if this method might not be very effective?

However, the second note explains the situation in a more accurate light. The pole the note is on is actually a handicap parking sign. As for the “thief” who took their bike, it was probably officially removed for blocking a van with wheelchair accessibility.
Be Kind, Earn Rewards
When you’re in a busy business, the best thing to do is exercise a bit of patience. After all, causing a fuss will only make things harder to move smoothly and quickly.

This person was doing their part waiting patiently in line when someone cut in front of them. Luckily, an employee saw it all. That’s when they took the opportunity to use this chance to reward the person who they cut in front of and rewarded them for their patience, well within earshot.
Not the Time or Place
Anyone who has worked at a grocery store before knows it’s not as easy as it seems. This person was trying to explain that, as someone who worked at Aldi, they’re pushed to move as quickly as possible.

However, pushing someone to move faster also means giving them less time to avoid mistakes. This isn’t necessarily the fault of the cashier. It seems the thread found a true Karen, though, who wasn’t afraid to place the blame on them.
That’s Not a Date
Dating is often a challenging time. Sometimes, it seems that for every great date you go on, there are plenty that are an awkward ordeal or you find out you’re simply incompatible.

We can’t sympathize with this person too much, however. Given that they brought two friends along, we can’t blame their date for not paying for a bill that’s tripled. According to the second response, it seems like maybe they at least learned to ask about bringing friends to a date before showing up with friends.
What a Great Guest
If there’s a negative review for a restaurant in a sea of great reviews, it can seem a little suspicious. In this case, the restaurant was happy to clear things up.

After the one-star review was left behind, they exposed how the visit actually went. It turns out that not only were they poor customers but the restaurant eventually had to call for backup in dealing with them. Not only that but they continued to order the food that was supposedly awful!
Rent-a-Car Karen
We’re all familiar with the concept of renting, right? We borrow something from someone, and in return, we pay them some money as compensation for allowing us to borrow the said item. Most of us know that renting each item comes with a different set of rules.

Turns out, this entitled Karen did not get the memo. This person had thought that, by simply complaining about her chosen car, she would be allowed to get a much more luxurious option for the same price.
Milkshake Magically Tastes Better
There are certain people who find fault in anything and everything. It doesn’t matter how good of a job someone did. These people act as if they’re entitled to comment about the tiniest non-existent flaw they can find.

This can make it both extremely hard as well as very easy to solve their problem. Like in this case, where this person acting like an entitled Karen was complaining about her perfectly fine milkshake. All the server did was pour it into a different cup, and it was perfect!
Didn’t Learn to Take No for an Answer
As many of us have already noticed, entitlement refers to a person’s opinion that they’re naturally deserving of special treatment or advantages. These people have no feeling of guilt when wasting other people’s time and energy.

They also hate hearing the word “no.” Just take this story as an example. Apparently, this woman didn’t get to where she was by taking “no” for an answer. So she decided to waste the server’s and every other client’s time for an extra twenty minutes.
Is Asking Someone to Have a Nice Day Rude?
There are many things in life that someone can think of as rude. When you’re ordering, you can’t be on the phone since it’s rude. Using public restrooms to make phone conversations, and failing to say “please” and “thank you” to people in service positions is also considered to be very rude.

Do you know what is not an example of being rude? Telling a customer you’ve just served coffee to have a good day! Yet, some entitled people will find a way to spin that story around too.
Skipping Lines to See Santa
An entitled woman who happened to be a mother of two decided that the best way to get on Santa’s nice list was to play naughty. She pushed her way to the front of the line with her two mortified children during a meet and greet with Santa.

She immediately cornered Santa and demanded that he not greet any more children until hers had been met. Only a true entitled Karen can have the guts to demand Santa put special attention towards her kids.
Baby Karen in the Making
On the first day of school, one of the teachers of the first-grade class said that it was time to tidy up. One little girl continued to play, and when the person told her to tidy up, the little girl answered that she doesn’t pick up after herself.

She even expected a maid to come to tidy up. This just goes to show that even little kids can grow up to be entitled Karens depending on their environments.
Cutting in Line
Elderly people hate waiting in line, but so does everyone else. That doesn’t make them any more entitled to receive any service faster than the other people. It surely doesn’t give them the right to be cutting in line, acting like an entitled Karen either.

This woman talks about her experience when an older woman touched her on the shoulder as she stood in a buffet line. The Karen talked about how she had already waited in line before and then proceeded to move past her.
Taking a Nap in the Airport
A couple had put together bench chairs and were sleeping on them at the airport, obstructing everyone’s ability to move around them. They awoke as the waiting room became more crowded, but refused to move so that others might take their place.

Elderly people had to wait while this pair relaxed on at least ten seats. This level of entitlement purely goes to show how these people don’t care about anyone else than themselves. So, let this serve as advice for everyone. Do not be this couple.
Entitlement Runs in Their Veins
This person shares their story of back when he used to work as a guard at one of London’s most famous art galleries, where taking pictures of the exhibits was strictly prohibited. Yet, people would proceed to do exactly the opposite.

So, when the guard went to try and stop a family from taking photos of the exhibits, this man and his mother started explaining that it was okay. Why do you ask? Well, because they were Americans, which makes them entitled to not follow rules.
Your Coworker Is Not the Maid
This person encountered a Karen while working in his office. They were working in an office with a shared kitchen. As she was washing her mug, a man from the office upstairs walked in, waving his mug. He said, “Where shall I leave this for you to wash?”

She didn’t react at first because she was taken aback. So, he went on to assume that she didn’t speak English and said, “I leave here” slowly and loudly. “You’re the one who cleans?” he asked, indicating with his hands. What a tool!
Didn’t Know How to Use Smartphone
Did you know that you need to own a smartphone to be able to use apps on them? This person worked at a phone provider and once received a call from a customer who couldn’t get the Disney app to work on her phone. Turns out she didn’t have a smartphone.

She couldn’t utilize it, of course! She then proceeded to scream in Disney World about how they had personally wrecked her vacation since she couldn’t find queue times.
Children Can Be Entitled Too
When this person was six years old, a boy approached them as they were playing with their toy. The boy said that he should be given the toy since he would play with it more. This just goes to show how entitled that kid was — and probably still is.

It indicates that the person expects to be given whatever they desire in life without having to work for it. They expect to be treated better, to have the nicest things, and to have it provided for them by others.
Ungrateful About Birthday Gifts
One of the worst feelings in life is doing something nice for someone only for them to be super ungrateful about it. Take a look at this story here. For her birthday, two friends decided to surprise this entitled Karen with a concert ticket.

They had both put money aside and paid for everything, including great seats. However, upon arriving at the site, Karen began whining about how her aunt had purchased tickets for her cousin, and she ‘just knew’ that her cousin’s seats would be much better than theirs.
Don’t Be Rude to Servers
A lady and her two young girls sat at the table next to the OP in a cafe. The mother was engrossed in her phone the entire time, and she didn’t even look up when one of her girls knocked over her cup. As a worker mopped the floor, the mother hurriedly returned to her phone.

Customers need to understand those customer support representatives are still individuals, and it doesn’t hurt to be a little friendly. Entitlement never helps anyone.
Right to Privacy Matters
People must be respected when it comes to privacy. It’s disrespectful to disregard a person’s reasonable desire to keep something private unless there’s a compelling cause to do so. This entitled woman believes she has the right to broadcast private information about others on her public Facebook account.

You can bet that if you tell her something private, it’ll be on her page within minutes, along with her opinion. She claims she must do so since her friends will be concerned if she doesn’t write regularly.
Learn to Be Kind
Kindness is contagious and has the power to transform lives. Simple acts of kindness include listening to someone who is in need, smiling at random strangers, and feeding stray dogs.

Others are inspired to be kind and compassionate in a variety of situations and forms as a result of these gestures. Despite this, the majority of entitled people never grasp the lesson. This woman stepped into the elevator at the last possible moment and proceeded to lean against the wall with her arms crossed, without a simple “thank you”!
Be Sincere in Your Place of Work
During his summer vacation, this person’s father hired their 15-year-old cousin to work on a construction site, as a favor to the cousin and his family. However, despite requesting the job, the cousin was extremely insincere.

They came in for two days, then called in sick for the next two, and finally resigned on the fifth day. The icing on the cake was when the father received a request a month later to approve the cousin’s LinkedIn profile, where he had listed the job under his employment history.
Getting in My Way
Many people have volunteered at children’s schools when they were little. This one time, a woman was entrusted with calling other parents to recruit more volunteers for an end-of-year celebration one year.

One mother stated that she was very sorry for not being able to volunteer as she was going through a very stressful time. When the mom who was calling expressed their concern, the entitled person replied that she was too busy planning and packing for their summer vacation.
Gifts for Two Please
A gift, in case legitimate, is a lawfully enforceable exchange under broad agreement law. That implies, if a gift meets each of the legitimate components of a substantial gift, then, at that point, the gift is enforceable and can’t for the most part be repealed and denied.

However, no one is ever entitled to demand gifts from their friends. This couple arranged a joint party and welcomed everybody from work. They enrolled for gifts, expecting everyone invited to buy separate gifts for the two of them.
Read the Room Lady
This nurse has a story to share about her experience with an entitled Karen while she was on duty. This one time, one patient rang the doorbell and asked about painkillers shortly before another patient had a heart attack.

When all the nurses jumped in and revived the man, the woman suddenly said, “I’m sorry! I asked about my painkillers more than 10 minutes ago!” She was standing there trying to get their attention over some medication while another person was literally fighting for their life.
Macbook Menace
Can we have a show of hands here from anyone who would be angry if they were to receive a surprise Macbook as a gift from their parents? Anybody? This entitled young man’s father had gifted them a beautiful laptop in the color “rose gold.”

However, it wasn’t according to his preference, as he wanted the computer in gray So, now instead of being grateful to his father for the gift, he’s looking to sell it to someone for a fraction of the cost.
Haters of Disney
Do any of our readers know someone who would turn down a chance to visit Disneyland? This girl over here was extremely mad at her parents as they decided to take her on a surprise visit to Disneyland instead of spending the money to buy her (more) presents.

We cannot seem to understand who would act so petty and entitled. There’s no one out there who in their right mind would pass up a chance to visit Disney.
Life Is Hard
We realize that life is a struggle, we realize you’re giving a valiant effort to live it. Yet, at times, it gets truly intense — so intense that one may think they aren’t sufficiently prepared to continue onward.

However, that’s the point at which we need to advise ourselves that the main solution is getting past it. Life can really truly knock you down and in moments of crisis such as getting the wrong smartphone, it’s very necessary to remember that it gets better.
Free Labor?
This one is dedicated to all the kids and teens reading this article. No — your parents forcing you to clean up after yourselves doesn’t fall under child labor. It’s your responsibility to do your household chores.

The entire point of doing household chores is teaching children responsibility and accountability. Funnily enough, both of these traits are things lacking in entitled people. This just goes to show that we should all do our chores, and teach others to do their part of the work as well.
Greed Is Ugly
Gift-giving is a social experience where people are making an effort to make the recipient happy. If everyone gives each other gifts, the value exchange is a waste.

However, the real benefit is that you give someone something they wouldn’t necessarily spend money on themselves — that shows you care. Asking for money just looks as if you only care about the money and/or gifts rather than the friends that are giving you these things.
Create GoFundMe for Birthday Money?
Let’s see if we can answer this question. It’s quite acceptable to prefer money to presents. Perhaps you believe you have sufficient cooking supplies.

Perhaps funding toward a down payment on a new home would be the one item that would assist the two of you in establishing a new home. Let’s get this over with once and for all, whatever the case may be. It’s very natural to choose cash over a blender. As for using a website intended for charity work does seem to be a bit entitled.
Ugh, Parents
Every child, whether pleading for a larger ice cream cone or criticizing their parents’ readiness to buy them an expensive new item, can be ungrateful at times. If, on the other hand, such less-than-kind behaviors aren’t an occasional occurrence but rather a constant state of being, you’ve got a spoiled child on your hands.

These are the kids that feel entitled to whatever they want and expect their parents to deliver. It doesn’t matter if they’ve received a car — they will still complain that it’s the wrong color.
Shopping Spree
If you’ve ever witnessed a play’s rehearsal process, you know how important costumes are. Professional actors will come to practice in certain clothing pieces that make them feel more like their role, even in the early phases of a project.

While your appearance and clothing say a lot about who you are, it doesn’t entitle anyone to money to constantly buy new clothes. The point isn’t whether you care about fashion. Rather, it’s what you’re communicating through your fashion choices, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Parent’s Money
A lot of entitled people have the mindset that their rich parent’s money means that this is their money and so, they shouldn’t have to work a day in their life.

This mindset reeks of entitlement and is very bad behavior. Take a look at this story, for instance. This person went on to post a rant on the internet about how they felt deprived of their father’s money as he had decided to go back to college and further his education.
Picky Parent
A ‘Karent’ is an entitled parent — probably a play on the phrase “Karen,” which has come to connote obnoxious persons, mainly white women, who are never content and frequently demand to meet with managers.

Unreasonable demands or requests are often made by entitled parents, including their own children. The entitlement is projected onto the child as a set of expectations and a conviction in the child’s perfectionist beliefs. Besides their own kids, these parents will go on to demand favors from even strangers.
Exposure Is Not Payment
Many people want to pay for various pieces of creative artworks in the form of exposure. Yet, no one has ever paid any plumber or the local garage with exposure.

Exposure doesn’t pay the rent or feed the family. When you can’t afford to pay your rent, knowing your work has been seen X number of times on Instagram or YouTube doesn’t help. Keep in mind that you have the means and the imagination, but you’re not a service provider.
What’s Happening Here?
This post is a little long but it’s easy to sum up. This mother is frustrated because her brother who doesn’t want or have kids won’t support hers as she wants.

The post asked responders to advise them in how to get their brother to “step up as an uncle.” Instead, the post found its way to Reddit where the person was taken down for acting so entitled. After all, the brother obviously didn’t have kids for a reason and this couple can’t expect him to take on this responsibility.
Underpaid and Overworked
Sometimes, the best response you can see to someone being a Karen is simply no response at all. This couple was obviously at the end of their rope with the lack of responses to their request.

The only problem was, they were the reason no one was applying. The job description described a rather in-depth set of requirements for a babysitting job. To make matters worse, they wanted all of this for a measly $4 per hour! This would surely make most people turn away from this opportunity to be overworked and underpaid.
You Did the Same Thing
There are times that acts of entitlement are so blatant, you don’t really know how to react. This person knew it was time to point out how hypocritical this particular situation was.

Of course, the beach is busier on a hot day. If you don’t live near the water, you likely have to plan a whole day to go to the beach, if not more. This mom wasn’t happy to see that they didn’t have the beach to themselves and made sure to lodge a complaint.
Just Make It Free
This person, like many, was looking forward to playing Assassin’s Creed Rogue. Also like many, they were faced with the unfortunate fact that new video games are usually expensive.

Still, most people don’t respond with a demand to get the game for free. They even continued on to tell someone that they deserved it because they didn’t feel like it was worth the cost. They were quick to tell them they were better off visiting eBay than begging on Twitter.
Karens Decline
All in all, if there’s one thing that this behavior and the subsequent meme has accomplished, it’s connotations with the name Karen.

It’s so common that people are called out as “Karens,” in fact, that the name is declining in popularity. This is just one post that shows how little people want their own children to grow up to be the “Karen” stereotype, starting by making sure that they at least don’t carry the name.