Dr. Sage, a psychologist on TikTok is making people aware of a new term for parents – eggshell parenting. This kind of parenting puts the children in constant hypervigilance – they don’t know how a parent will react from one moment to another. While TikTok might not be the most legitimate platform to get advice from, it’s still good to be aware of particular terms, identify the signs, and even know how to work on yourself so there is no extra strain on you or your child.

What Makes an Eggshell Parent?
Anna Hindell, a psychologist, explains that the terms popularized by Dr. Sage come from the phrase ‘walking on eggshells.’ When you’re the kind of parent that displays constant outbursts and unstable moods, it causes your children to walk on eggshells – never knowing what the reaction will be. It all comes down to unpredictability. It’s hard on the child if one moment you’re calm and the next, your mood switched unexpectedly to the worst.
Unpredictability or Occasional Rage
The way of ‘gentle parenting’ is gaining more and more popularity among parents because it avoids constant outbursts. However, no parent is perfect, and it’s normal to lose your cool and raise your voice or get angry sometimes. But that’s not eggshell parenting, that’s just occasional rage. When a parent goes into rage mode, the child must be informed afterward, and an apology must be given to the child so they know they didn’t do anything wrong and it was just about the nerves and frustration of the parents themselves.

The Risks of Unpredictable Parenting
Although many parents might not realize the consequences of eggshell parenting have devastating effects on the child in the long run, it’s known to cause anxiety, depression, and unstable moods. Children grow up mimicking their parents and what they see is what they’ll do. So, if you’re constantly on edge and unpredictable, it will reflect on the child later.
Learn to Avoid Mood Swings
There is a way to break the cycle of eggshell parenting, says board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist Dr. Khan.

- Self-Awareness: Realize when you’re about to lose it and display a negative kind of parenting, and learn the signs to avoid it in the future.
- Repair the Conflict: Having a conversation with this kind of ‘walking on eggshells’ parent can repair their mood swings. It may be difficult, but it has to be done to break the cycle.
- Seek Professional Help: Sometimes, trying to repair the mood yourself might not be enough. You could try talking to a professional to learn the correct steps to take in terrible situations to avoid stressing yourself – and your child – out.