Even the best of parents may lose their temper and raise their voices at times. However, it’s important to make sure that you’re not constantly shouting at your children, even if your patience is wearing thin. Luckily, experts have compiled some tips on how to communicate with and discipline your children, but without turning into the Hulk.

Be Proactive
Kids can often act up because they naturally have so little control over their lives. Imagine that you’re enjoying hanging out at the park and, suddenly, someone just lifts you up and sweeps you away because they’ve decided it’s time to go. That’s how children feel, which can often result in temper tantrums. An easy way to prevent them from misbehaving, and then you raising your voice, is to be proactive and communicative. Make sure your kids know what’s coming and what’s expected of them – this will ensure things go more smoothly for everyone.
Consistency Is Key
Keeping the promises you make to your kids and standing by your word not only sets a good example for them but can also prevent a lot of shouting around the house. This stands for both positive and negative expectations. Meaning that if you tell your kid they’ll be put in time-out for misbehaving, and then you don’t actually follow through, they’ll misbehave again because they won’t believe there will be consequences. However, if your children trust that what you say goes, you won’t need to raise your voice to convince them you’re serious.

Practice Self-Care
If your behavior is charged and emotional, your children’s behavior will follow suit. If you respond to conflict in a calm and controlled manner, your kids will do the same. Keep in mind that your children are looking to you as an example of how to navigate the world. So, take some time for yourself, meditate, play some calming music, step away from the situation, do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself, and approach your child in a positive way.