5 Ways to Help a Baby Sleep Through the Night Without Issues

It’s not easy for parents to make their babies sleep through the night without them constantly waking up, but there are ways. There are five ways to try that will make every baby enjoy a long-night sleep without wanting food and waking up around the clock. It’s a parent’s dream to have methods that will be effective in their struggle with night sleeping. Use these methods to try and enjoy a long night with your baby sleeping soundly!

Take Advantage When the Baby Is Drowsy

Calgary pediatrician, Peter Nieman, suggests that babies should be put to sleep when they’re drowsy. It helps babies learn how to prepare for a good night’s sleep and it’s an important process for them. Also, putting them down when they’re drowsy will help them not to notice things are different, like you not holding them, for example.

Don’t Assume Hunger

It’s a fact that babies nap in short cycles, so it’s natural for them to stir more than once during the night. But give the baby a chance to settle down alone. If that doesn’t happen, go for a soothing method but don’t assume right away they want the bottle. Try singing softly or rubbing their belly until they close their eyes again.

Create a Bedtime Sleep Routine

Creating a steady routine will help babies as well as parents. They will slowly start learning the cues you set for them, which will notify them that bedtime is near. Create an easy-to-follow routine that happens at the same time in the evenings to help for months and years ahead for a good long night’s rest.

Prolong Nighttime Feedings

A newborn does need to be fed every two to three hours, but that prolongs itself over time. Lengthen the feeding stretches slowly and steadily. A safe bet is to have a feeding right before your head hits the pillow. That way, you know your little one is full when closing their eyes for the night and going to sleep.

Stray From Solid Foods

According to the Canadian Pediatric Society, babies are fully ready to accept solid food after the six-month mark, not before. In the past, although babies used to start eating solids a lot earlier, there have been studies showing that eating solids too soon can hinder rest. That means sticking to more baby-appropriate foods.

Usually, a baby shows tell-tale cues when they’re about ready to sleep. That’s why parents need to follow expert-approved ways of getting their baby down for a long rest, but it’s also essential they follow those natural cues. Do that and all should be just fine!