Children misbehave – that’s inevitable, and parents must learn how to handle it properly for the child and the entire situation. Back in 1969, psychology experts figured out that a time-out is a perfect alternative to more violent techniques such as spanking or punishing a child with bad disciplinary behavior. Now, so long after, people are starting to understand that it may not be such a good idea.

One Mom Called it Quits
One mom went on TikTok to explain why she chose to stop doing the whole time-out thing with her five-year-old son. She said she felt that it was pointless, more or less, to leave a child sitting in a corner while his mind is whirling with huge emotions they probably don’t know how to handle. It’s not helping anyone.
Are Experts in Agreement?

As Maartemami and many other moms all agree – it’s not helpful making a child sit alone and isolated. That might be harming more than helping in the end, so making a child take some time by themselves might not be justified. Experts couldn’t agree more. They say that leaving a child stewing in anger is not helpful and might not have the effect a mother wants. The child won’t calm down and is not doing anything productive while just sitting there.
What’s the Takeaway?
An alternative to the rough, isolated punishment, as Maatremami has come out to say, might be creating a corner that helps the child develop. Putting plush toys, books, and other such things in a corner and having the child sit there, reflecting on the bad, and trading it in for the good might be more beneficial in the long run.

Parents can choose whether to follow the new trend of a calming corner or stick to the old and tried time-out disciplinary action. According to recent research, a time-out isn’t hurting the child, but maybe taking on the new method might turn out for the better.