People all over the world know what Nutella is, but in case you live under a rock, it’s a delicious hazelnut spread used in countless desserts or just enjoyed with a spoon while standing over the counter or hiding in the pantry so your kids don’t see you. But has it ever occurred to anyone to use it to decorate? Probably not, yet one guy went viral for doing exactly that in his kitchen.
The Nutella Redecoration Went Viral
A man went viral on TikTok recently for deciding to redecorate his parent’s kitchen in the strangest way. User @kaihspeakup had the unusual idea of redecorating the kitchen by spreading several jars of it over every single surface.
However, he did do one thing right; he put cling film over the surfaces first, which made the cleanup process just a little easier. That’s right; it wasn’t some little kid who did this, but a grown adult who actually planned it out. How many jars did it take to do the deed? It hasn’t been confirmed, but based on the filling in the kitchen sink, one could take a wild guess and say a lot!
What Was the Reason?
Was there any legitimate reasoning behind the decision? No! People were left utterly confused, and every other synonym to “utterly” that you can think of. A lot of people would never consider using— or as some said, wasting— the spread for such a purpose.

Most that saw the video were amazed by the amount wasted on the kitchen’s surfaces when it could have just been consumed and all would have been fine. Others commented how lucky the ants would have been, which would have come in droves had the TikToker left the mess in place.
How Did the Parents React?
There’s yet to have been a follow-up video showing the reactions of the guy’s parents and many are wondering what must have been going through his head to do such a thing. What did that beautiful kitchen ever do to him?
Whatever he was thinking spreading Nutella all over the kitchen, it’s something he hasn’t shared with anyone. Fans of the viral video are waiting for an eventual response. Either way, if he was looking to get views on TikTok with the stunt, he certainly succeeded!