Social media has a questionable reputation, and it is generally justified. There are exceptions, however, such as mothers who are dedicated to raising their sons to be good individuals. On the other hand, there are those who don’t fit this mold. A recent online challenge is making the rounds on TikTok, and it falls into the latter category. It involves cracking an egg on a child’s head.
An Unethical Challenge

TikTok even warns that participating in this challenge could result in people getting hurt, yet these videos continue to populate the platform. The questions that arise are what exactly is the egg crack challenge, and how did online users arrive at this point? At times, it is genuinely heart-wrenching to witness. The videos, labeled with #eggcrackchallenge, have currently accumulated 65 million views. They depict parents setting up cameras and recording themselves as they crack eggs on the unsuspecting heads of their children.
Some of these children are so young that they are still seated in high chairs. Many of them cry, which is far from amusing, and some laugh. But why would anyone experiment on their child in such a manner? The primary reactions from kids vary, ranging from confusion and half-hearted laughter to mostly indifference and full-blown tears. According to experts, parents who do this may be bored or just desperate for content.
Reactions Online Are Mixed
Apparently, the dopamine rush people get when they accumulate likes and views on social media may be the reason why, in 2023, parents are cracking eggs on their children’s heads in the hopes of eliciting an entertaining reaction to share with strangers online. Still, the reasons for this trend remain unclear. There is likely also an element of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) involved because other parents are participating, and their videos are trending.
One mother offered a different perspective, cracking an egg on her own head with her son laughing. She does not subject her son to the same treatment and concludes her video by saying that this is how the egg-cracking challenge is done. Fortunately, this approach was met with approval from fellow TikTokers. She was seen as sweet, funny, and cute. Additionally, it should be noted that if a child is old enough to provide consent or request such an action, that would be a distinct scenario.

If one participates in this trend without a child’s consent, it reflects poorly on them. It is neither amusing nor commendable, regardless of what their followers may think. It is unkind and embarrassing and establishes a precedent for the child to harm others for their own entertainment. Still, based on the majority of comments on TikTok videos, it appears that most people share this perspective, meaning there is hope after all.