When a couple sets out to create their perfect guest list for the wedding, cuts are inevitable. A trend that’s on the rise when it comes to leaving people out is having a child-free wedding. This can be controversial, but there are ways to go about it well! Here are some tips to enjoy your wedding without the little ones running around wreaking havoc.
Be Clear and Communicate Early
There is no way around saying you don’t want to invite any kids, so try to be as clear as possible. No beating around the bush; say what you mean and make sure you’re understood!

Along those lines, don’t wait until the last possible moment for such a big request. Either include a special section about the no-kids rule on your website or make a note on the invites; or, better yet, do both!
Be Careful With Exceptions
It gets trickier when you’re going to have flower girls or a ring bearer at your wedding, but you can still make it work. Offer to pay for a babysitter for the night since the kids are only allowed at the ceremony.

You don’t want to single out a kid. That would look quite rude if you’re not inviting only a particular child. Avoid such personal reasons for the guest list.
Handle the Situation Well
A situation where kids are not allowed at your wedding could quickly get complicated, and you might have to deal with some pushback. But there are good ways to handle everything.

Keep in mind that it’s your day. Don’t go out of your way if someone declines because of the no-kids policy, but if it’s someone you’re close to, you can check out a babysitting service.
Should You Make Exceptions?
Stick to your guns, and don’t make exceptions! If you make an exception for one guest, you have to make it for everyone. Again, stress on hiring a babysitter at the guest’s home or another room at the venue.

Lean on your wedding planners and ask for assistance. If you’re trying to soothe an unhappy guest and it doesn’t go your way, ask for suggestions on how to handle it so that you get your way. It’s your special day, after all! That means whatever you say goes. No exceptions are allowed. You can try to smooth things over with unhappy guests, but stick to your policy!