Every state in America has different foods, clothing styles, and even dialects of the language. So, is it so far-fetched to think people in different states would have a difference of opinion of the best baby names? It’s not – however, it is probably one of the few things more similar than anything else between the different states. According to a recent survey based on applications for social security cards, it turns out that there are names that repeat more or less in every state. There are some wonderful names on the list, so if you’re the type to follow social conventions and take note of what’s popular, check out the list to get ideas for naming your newborn!
Popular Baby Names in Illinois
Like many other states, Illinois shares similarities of what to call a newborn child. If you’re from the Midwest, check out the choices. Maybe one pops out as the perfect name for your future child!
- Olivia
- Sophia
- Emma
- Charlotte
- Amelia
- Noah
- Liam
- Oliver
- Mateo
- Theodore

Is California Similar to the Rest?
California is known for its chilled atmosphere, friendly people, great clothing styles, and beautiful weather. And it also has its list of popular baby names. Although some match those used in other states, it has some unique to the area!
- Olivia
- Emma
- Camila
- Mia
- Sophia
- Liam
- Noah
- Mateo
- Sebastian
- Julian

How About the State of Florida?
Florida has some of the most perfect beaches and warmest weather in the states. And, as with every other state, it also has a list of some pretty interesting ways to name a newborn. Of course, many of them match other states, but some are specific to Florida!
- Olivia
- Isabella
- Emma
- Sophia
- Mia
- Liam
- Noah
- Lucas
- Elijah
- Oliver

Some Differences in Georgia
When people think of Georgia, they think of hot weather and plenty of humidity. They also think of the Southern hospitality that people from there are known to exercise in their daily lives. And, of course, as with the other examined states, Georgia also has popular names for newborns!
- Olivia
- Ava
- Charlotte
- Amelia
- Emma
- Noah
- Liam
- William
- Elijah
- James

As is clearly shown, these states share a lot of popular baby names, and you can always check out the rest of the states for further inspiration. There are some differences, but the most popular and repeating ones seem to be Charlotte, Amelia, Olivia, Eva, and Emma for girls, and Liam, Noah, Henry, James, Oliver, and Theodore for boys. You have a whole list to choose from, so when the time comes to welcome your newborn into the world, choose a name that’s maybe local to your state and popular all around!