Hey there, busy parents! Sometimes, you have to work from home with your children around. Maybe it’s a day off from school or someone’s not feeling well, or maybe you’re working on a weekend. Working from home with kids can be tricky, especially when you don’t want them glued to a screen all day. Here are some activities that can make it a fun day for the kids and give you some peaceful time to work.
Nurturing Creative Flow Play in Children
Finding activities that let kids dive into “flow” play is like discovering magic moments of joy. Flow play is when kids are so into something, like pouring water in the bathtub, that they get completely lost in the fun. It feels amazing, just like when you’re in “the zone.” Experts say these moments help kids learn important skills like being strong when things are tough, thinking creatively, and controlling impulses.
To make these magic moments happen, parents can choose activities that match their child’s interests, gather supplies, and then let the kids take charge. It’s important to give them time and permission to make a little mess and not to interrupt with lots of praise. Kids learn best when they can explore and try things on their own. So, parents set the stage and then enjoy watching the magic unfold!
Creative Crafts
Engage your child in imaginative crafting with these play ideas! First, let their creativity soar by constructing adorable animals from an egg carton and cardboard. Encourage life-size self-expression as they sketch a self-portrait on butcher paper with details filled in while lying down, utilizing a nearby mirror. Dive into the world of sculpting with no-mess paper-mâché, creating 3D objects like bowls or dolls with wet strips around balloons.

For watercolor excitement, have your child draw a design, transfer it onto foil, and unveil a vibrant masterpiece. Foster engineering skills by helping them build a dream playground using recycled materials or unveil hidden messages using white crayons and watercolors. Embrace a paintbrush-free approach, adding texture to paintings with various household items and playful tools. In the whirlwind of working from home with little ones around, creating moments of joy and magic becomes essential. So, busy parents, try out some of the activities suggested in the article to help you set the stage for creative exploration to keep them entertained for hours.